A woman talking loudly through the grocery isles, the teenager sitting next to you texting on the bus, or even someone checking their e-mail in the airport, it seems as if you cannot go anywhere without being in the presence of a cell phone. Not only is this technology inescapable, but it has also become one of societies biggest problems. With the speedy and continual changes in technology, it has opened up the possibility to totally disconnect from the world as we know it.
Do you remember life before text messaging? A time before cell phones even? It is hard to think back, and try to figure out how we ever got along without them. A day without a cell phone is like a day without oxygen, for some, but it seems that as though our society has evolved into one that has learned to be dependent upon cell phones and messaging devices.
When asked why text messaging in particular is so important, a group of college students gave the following answers: 1) making a phone call is not always appropriate (ex. when you need to communicate covertly) 2) text messaging is more effective for certain messages (ex. easier to communicate short messages) 3) text messaging can help to eliminate digression (ex. texts are short, simple, and to the point). When the same group of students were asked where they most commonly text messaged they answered “in class” unanimously, followed by while eating, or studying.
It is this very trend of where and when text messaging is being used, which causes this disconnect in society. We have become a world where disconnect is accepted and even encouraged through the media. So next time you get the urge to update your mobile Twitter, or text message while your driving, think about the effect you are placing upon society and the result of your disconnectedness. You just might find you might be filled in on the happenings of the rest of the world, while missing out on all of your surroundings.
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