Social media has taken the world by storm with the power to make people famous. Today with a username and a password, anyone can post virtually anything on the internet ranging from products, pictures, political views, and even productions. This opportunity has opened up the door for the Average Joe/Jane to market themselves and their skills to anyone who will listen. The phenomenon has created a way for people to express themselves and seek fame whether intentional or not. One such person who has marketed her skills is Kandee Johnson: a true artist.
Kandee has taken the world of YouTube by storm, streaming video tutorials of beauty design, reaching out to men and women (and some children!) alike. She has taken her skill of cosmetology to the next level as she teaches step by step beauty technique through hair, nail, and make-up design. Her make-up videos range from regular make-up basics, to real Hollywood costume makeup. This creates an opportunity for the non-makeup artist to be able to create professional looks that one would otherwise not be able to create without the help of a make-up artist.
Her accessible videos have created an opportunity for anyone to have star worthy looks on a daily basis. Kandee is a great example of how social media is taking the world by storm (and in her case), one face at a time. So the next time you have a special event, costume party, or just wanting a fresh new look, consider your resources, and you just might find you too may have the skill of a make-up artist.
To find out more on Kandee Johnson go to her blog: http://kandeethemakeupartist.blogspot.com/
Or subscribe to her videos on YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/user/kandeejohnson
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